Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Arz Noir

Who is Arz Noir? Well it's me. A musician who lives in Miami, Florida and records music under the name Arz Noir, although my real name is Michael Menendez. I currently have a few albums on Itunes and Amazon.com and I invite everyone to give a listen and post comments or feedback. I decided to do a blog rather than a website because it's cheaper and easier for me to share information. From time to time, I will update information about my upcoming projects, successes and failures. You can also check me out on myspace.com/arznoir. If you like to be on my mailing list please send an email to mm6636@hotmail.com

Currently, My new album is, "The Legend of Loup-Garou," published through BMI and available on Itunes and through Amazon under my record label, Arz Nova Records. Right now, the album is available only on CD and download, although I imagine a vinyl release sometime in the near future. This recent release is an electronic instrumental concept album. I was inspired by the works of Brian Eno and his idea to make Soundtracks or ambient music for a given space. For example, one of Eno's albums is titled, Music for airports, in which he conceptually designed ambient music to fill the space or environment of a given airport.

In my case, "The Legend of Loup-Garou," is a fictional movie about a werewolf that has caused some trouble in a small southern French town in the early 1890's. The town's elders call upon and hire a notorious Werewolf Hunter named, The German who has a grim appearance and a clubbed left hand. To make a long story short, the German succeeds in destroying the Werewolf. However, why is he so successful? Could it be that he is also a Werewolf?

The soundtrack takes you through the major scenes of this fictional movie and allows the listener to fill in the blanks with their own version of the movie.

(Cover art for The Legend of Loup-Garou)

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